About the
SNAUR, A Mystical, Magical Adventure, is a fantasy story for young or the young at heart readers. The story revolves around a typical Australian family. One day ten-year-old Zac and his dog, Ned, discover something extraordinary in a cave not far from their home, a magical creature, a dragon named SNAUR.
SNAUR, A Mystical, Magical Adventure, is a fantasy story for young or the young at heart readers. The story revolves around a typical Australian family. One day ten-year-old Zac and his dog, Ned, discover something extraordinary in a cave not far from their home, a magical creature, a dragon named SNAUR.
As the story unfolds, the children in Zac’s family discover that Snaur has unique talents. Snaur takes Zac’s family to visit his planet, Dragonia, a land vastly different to their own and full of lots of surprises.
King Snaurton, Snaur’s father, tells Zac and his brother, Josh, they will be trained to become talented dragon riders and warriors. Their task will be to help Snaur to defeat a band of rogue dragons, known as the Grey Ones. The leaders of the Grey Ones, Ripperton and Slasherton, desire to take over Australia because they know the cave system where Snaur was found has a stream that contains magical properties. These magical properties will help Snaur and Zac’s family in their quest to defeat the rogue dragons and save Dragonia and Earth.
SNAUR, A Planet of Mysteries, continues the adventures of Snaur, The Magical Dragon. Snaur and his Australian family move to his planet, Dragonia, where they train to be elite dragon warriors. Their task is to defeat a breakaway group of dragons, The Grey Ones, led by the evil dragon, Ripperton and his son, Slasherton.
Dragonian teachers are quite different from those in Australia. Zac, Josh and Annabelle learn many weird and mind-blowing skills. Ned meets his mentor, a black Labrador, Jet. Ned proves to be a talented spy.
Australian Indigenous Elders guard something very precious. Snaur and his friends must ensure Ripperton does not discover where it is because if he does, he could use it to destroy Earth and Dragonia.
This book has many twists and turns and exciting surprises that will have young and the young at heart readers turning pages.
SNAUR, Saving Two Worlds, is the third and final book in the series.
Snaur and his Australian mates must defeat the rogue dragons, known as the Grey Ones, led by Ripperton and Slasherton. The Grey Ones are fire-spewing dragons who want to control Earth and Dragonia. Ripperton wants to own the Gold Streams running deep in the caves near where Zac and Ned found Snaur in his egg. The gold properties in the stream will help his Grey Ones to defeat Snaur and his companions and finally rule Earth and Dragonia.
There are many exciting and, at times, unexpected, troublesome events that confront our heroes in this book, some may not survive. There is a fearsome battle between Snaur and his mates and the fire-breathing Grey Ones.
So, hang on while you take this exciting and dangerous ride with Snaur and his mates.
Who will survive?